Stages of a honeybee egg maturing, days 1-20

HONEY BEE TRIVIA (courtesy of Glory Bee)
- Honey Bees have 5 eyes- 2 large compound eyes and 3 small simple eyes.
- Honey Bee queens lay 1,500 eggs A DAY.
- A single bee makes 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its entire lifetime. A typical little 12-ounce honey bear squeeze bottle takes 864 bees to make all the honey that goes inside it.
- Bees flap their wings 190 times a second. (That’s over double the 70 times a second the hummingbird flaps its wings)
- A honey bee flies 15 miles per hour.
- Honey bees keep the inside of their hives at 93 degrees Fahrenheit. (If it’s cold outside, all the bees vibrate their bodies and create body heat to warm up their hive to 93°, and when it’s hot outside, they flap their wings like fans to create a breeze and cool it off.)
- Honey bees never sleep!
- It takes approximately 1,100 bee stings to be fatal to a healthy adult human.
- Honey bees are the ONLY insect that produces food for humans to eat.
- Honey bees pollinate approximately 80% of all vegetables, fruit and seed crops in the USA.